Anna tekken 6
Anna tekken 6

Boskonovich to help aid in bringing back her sister's memories. As an act of compassion, Anna contacts Dr. Near the end of the tournament, Jin manages to beat Nina in a fight, which brought back her senses and released her from Ogre's control. Ogre controls Nina throughout the third tournament and orders her to assassinate Jin Kazama, Heihachi's grandson. This spirit re-awakens Nina from her sleep, however she does not remember anything about her past due her suffering from cryosleep induced amnesia, a fate her sister was spared from. In Tekken 3, Nina is woken up from her cryogenic sleep 19 years later by Ogre when its spirit is unearthed at a burial site by Heihachi Mishima. Anna was also put in cryogenic sleep but voluntarily unlike Nina and asked to be awaken at the exact same time as Nina for unknown reasons. She was captured by the Mishima Corp and used as a test subject by Dr. Nina was assigned to assassinate Kazuya Mishima, the current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, but her plans were foiled by Anna which caused her to fail her mission. However, this only maintained the sisters hatred for each other and expanded it further. Both Nina and Anna blamed each other for the cause of their father's death but tried the amend their relationship as it was one of their father's last wishes. In Tekken 2, two years after the first tournament, it is discovered that Nina and Anna's father, Richard had been killed under unknown circumstances. Anna turns around and begins to cry and Nina holds up the missing shoe, smiling. Nina gives her a disgusted look and slaps her around the face. Anna walks up to Nina and starts shouting at her. Anna points to her left foot and looks up at Nina who just shrugs. She is wearing a shoe on her right foot but there appears to be one missing on her left foot. In her ending, Anna opens a door and a few moments later there is a close up of her feet. In Tekken 1, Nina was hired to assassinate Heihachi Mishima, the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu although her true intentions are not clear. This resulted in a sibling rivalry to develop between Nina and Anna that has yet to end. From an early age, both sisters were taught various forms of martial arts by their father. He met and eventually married a British Aikido champion named Heather and they produced two offspring, Nina and Anna. Her father, Richard worked as an assassin for the IRA and left Ireland to escape his past.

Anna tekken 6 movie#

One could easily come up with a movie based around a tournament without disappointing a lot of gamers (because let's face it, most of the people that watch these types of movies are gamers).Nina Williams is an assassin who made her first ever appearance in the first Tekken game and has been the only female character to appear in every Tekken game.She was born and raised in Ireland along with her sister, Anna Williams. In other words, it didn't need to be a Tekken adaption. All in all, the movie might have had more credit if it changed the title and the names of the characters. I will also say that I'm glad some core characters like Paul Phoenix, Lei Wulong and Hwoarang were left out it's better to leave them untouched than to ruin them. The movie actually manages to grasp your attention, but halfway through, it spans out of control, and the final fight was a major disappointment. Also, some important characters (Heihachi, Kazuya, Nina) were extremely reduced to a disappointing level, while others (Christie, Steve, Raven) were needlessly emphasized.

anna tekken 6

The characters dress like they do in the games, yet none of the actors are physically similar to them, nor do they talk like them. Compared to the games, there were a lot of disappointments. Also, unlike other movies that start off from one setting and then jump to a luxurious island/mansion/castle, etc., this movie maintains its dystopian vibe from beginning to end, maintaining the reality of its world its inviting you in. The characters are two-dimensional, and all the main characters were adorned with minimal background stories that blended in well with the movie in other words, they didn't feel forced just so you can know the characters better. The acting isn't as bad as independent movies usually deliver. As a stand-alone movie, one might think it pretty good. It has its ups and downs, its cheesy moments and its groundbreaking battles.

Anna tekken 6